Tax Deductible Donation

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

The 29th Street Neighborhood Association is a non-profit organization made up of volunteers who live and work in the community. Our goal is to improve the quality of life and maintain the historic fabric that makes our neighborhood so unique and special.

As you may know the association has been tirelessly working on getting our neighborhood designated as part of the Nomad Historic district. We have all seen the endless destruction of beautiful historic buildings being replaced by generic hotels of undistinguished design. Our association has gained support from our local government and community boards sympathetic to our cause. We are also planning to work to change zoning designation in our area to allow buildings that were previously used for manufacturing to be allowed to become residential instead. This will take a lot of time and effort but is a very worthwhile endeavor.

The 29th street association also works as a liaison for our community boards, local businesses, law enforcement and residents to end the proliferation of liquor licenses, late night closings of bars and clubs, and irresponsible owners that result in noise and disorderly conduct all hours of the day and night.

We are working closely with law enforcement and local government on the growing homelessness situation and the drug dealers and drug abusers who have been plaguing our streets. It has finally gotten the attention in the media and of our Mayor!

We have a lot of work we need to continue to do this year and we need your support!

Please contribute to the 29th street Neighborhood Association. Your tax deductible donation will go a long way in helping to improve the quality of life for all of us who live and work in this community.

Thank you for your support!


With kind regards,

The 29 Street Neighborhood Association

29th Street Neighborhood Association  |  115 East 34th Street, #366, New York, NY 10016  |

29th Street Neighborhood Association
115 East 34th Street, #366, New York, NY 10016

Tax Deductible Donation


Dear Neighbors and Friends,

The 29th Street Neighborhood Association is a non-profit organization made up of volunteers who live and work in the community. Our goal is to improve the quality of life and maintain the historic fabric that makes our neighborhood so unique and special.

As you may know the association has been tirelessly working on getting our neighborhood designated as part of the Nomad Historic district. We have all seen the endless destruction of beautiful historic buildings being replaced by generic hotels of undistinguished design. Our association has gained support from our local government and community boards sympathetic to our cause. We are also planning to work to change zoning designation in our area to allow buildings that were previously used for manufacturing to be allowed to become residential instead. This will take a lot of time and effort but is a very worthwhile endeavor.

The 29th street association also works as a liaison for our community boards, local businesses, law enforcement and residents to end the proliferation of liquor licenses, late night closings of bars and clubs, and irresponsible owners that result in noise and disorderly conduct all hours of the day and night.

We are working closely with law enforcement and local government on the growing homelessness situation and the drug dealers and drug abusers who have been plaguing our streets. It has finally gotten the attention in the media and of our Mayor!

We have a lot of work we need to continue to do this year and we need your support!

Please contribute to the 29th street Neighborhood Association. Your tax deductible donation will go a long way in helping to improve the quality of life for all of us who live and work in this community.

Thank you for your support!


With kind regards,

The 29 Street Neighborhood Association